16 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi
Sayın Amerikan Kolleji yetkilileri
I am a medical doctor working in Izmir, and enthusiastic about history.
while making an interview with my former boss in primary school, i
found out that he studied in your school for one year in 1922, nearly 90
years ago!
I thought, maybe it would be interesting to meet him with the students, in the same enviroment after 90 years. Although being 97, he is very good in menthal and physical abilities.I haven't asked nor mentioned him, but I'm sure that he won't refuse a polite invitation by your community.
He is living in Daruşşafaka Residance in Özbek, Urla ( 0232 754 73 80.)
His name is Turhan Ergök.
Here you can see him talkin about ACI days:
Best wishes
1 Haziran 2010 Salı
Sayık Akyaka Belediyesi
Beldenizde geçen hafta tatil yaptım.
Akyaka Plajında tuvalet bekçiliği yapan Birol isimli personeliniz tuvalet ücreti karşılığındas fiş vermemekte, isteyince de kabadayı tavırlar sergilemektedir.
Değerlendirmeniz ricasıyla.
11 Mart 2010 Perşembe
sayın blog ödülleri 2010
1. Cep telefonum yok, başkasınınkini kullanmak zorunda kaldım.
Cep telefonu kullanmayan biri blogger olamaz mı?
2. Veterinerler, hemşireler, tıbbi mümeesiller biyologlar blog yazarı olabilirken doktorlar olamaz mı?
3.Mikrobloglardan hiçbirini hiçbir zaman kullanmıyorum, ama birini işaretlemeden geçemiyorum.
anket dediğin, eğer gerçek bir sonuç istiyorsan gönüllü olur.
zorla yaptırılan anketin sonucuna inanılamaz.
M Gandhi, MD
9 Mart 2010 Salı
Sayın Şenay Düdek
Şenay Hanım,
Hürriyet gazetesini çocukluğumdan beri okurum. Siyasi eğilimlerine her zaman katılmamış olsam da tartışmasız Türkiye'nin en büyük gazetesi ve aynı zamanda önemli kamu oyu oluşturucularından biridir Hürriyet.
Yine en başından beri Ege ilavesini de yaşadığım kentin bir yerel gazetesi gibi görür ve okurum. Bu ilavede yazmaya başladığınızdan beri sizin de yazılarınızı izliyorum. Ancak, yazılarınızda bir konuda büyük hayal kırıklığına uğruyorum, ve sonuda bunu dile getirmeden edemeyeceğimi anladım.
Şenay Hanım, sık sık yılların gazetecisi olmakla övünen siz daha iyi bilmelisiniz ki, hayatını yazı yazarak kazanan birinin dile saygı duyması ve iyi kullanması gerekir. Gerek üslubunda, gerekse dil bilgisi ve yazım kuralları konusunda hata yapmaması gerekir. İstemeden yaptığı hataları yazı baskıya gitmeden düzeltmek için çaba göstermesi gerekir. Ayrıca özellikle Hürriyet gibi bir gazetede yazı işlerinin ve yayın yönetmenlerinin de basılacak yazıların tamamının hatasız olduğundan emin olması gerekir.
Ancak sizin yazılarınızın hemen hemen tamamında ciddi yazım ve dilbilgisi hataları görüyor ve buna çok üzülüyorum. Bu durumu size ve gazetenize yakıştıramıyor ve sizin adınıza hicap duyuyorum.
Bu hataların yoğun olduğu alanlar dahi anlamındaki -de ile ismin de hali olan -de kullanımı (örnek "adı ben de saklı"), yine -ki bağlacı ile -ki ekinin karıştırılması (örnek: "benim ki" , "taki"), sessiz uyumu (örnek: "alsancak'da"), öznesiz, cumle özelliği taşımayan cümleler (örnek: "Tam 30 yıldır ne engerek yılanlar gördüm. Sokmak için tıslayan."), yanlış fiil kullanımları (örnek: "Onun en büyük hatası şöhreti taşıyamadı.", başı sonu birbirini tutmayan cümleler (örnek: "Kısacası acilen, bu araçların kaldırılıp, trafiğin akışı sağlanmalı." veya "Konak Belediyesi bir an önce görevini yapması gerekir.") olarak özetlenebilir.
Size önerim bu konuda kendinizi geliştirmek için mevcut olan bir çok kaynaktan birinden faydalanmanızdır. Örneğin Türk Dil Kurumu'na başvurabilir, ilköğretim okullarının Türkçe kitaplarından yararlanabilir, ya da gazetenizde yazı işleri bölümünde çalışan kişilerden yardım alabilirsiniz. Öğrenmenin yaşı yoktur.
Yok, benim öğrenmem için çok geç diyorsanız , en azından yazılarınız yayınlanmadan önce bir editöre gösterebilirsiniz. Bu şekilde yazılarınızda sıkça yer alan ve Hürriyet gibi bir gazetede görülmesi bence ayıp olan yazım ve dil bilgisi hataları düzeltilmiş olur.
Yazdıklarımın sizi kırmadığını umarım. Yıllardır satın aldığım gazetede yayınlanan yazıların kalitesi konusunda söz hakkım olduğunu düşündüğüm için bu satırları yazmak gereğini duydum.
Size ve tüm Hürriyet İzmir kadrosuna başarılar dilerim.
W. Churchill
Sayın Churchill! Sizin asla samimi olduğunuza inanmıyorum. Yazılarımla sanırım bir yakınınızın canını yaktım. Tam 30 yıldır ödül almış bir gazeteci olarak fikirlerinizi önemsemedim. Ayrıca İzmir’e fazla bir yazar olduğuma inanıyorum. Sakın üzülmeyin, Hayatta üzülecek başka sorunlar var. Üniversitelerde konferanslar veren biri olarak yeni gelişen dil bilgisi kitaplarından biraz yararlanmanızı ben size öneriyorum. Bu arada sakın yanlış anlamayan ben her türlü eleştiriye açık biriyim. Belli ki yazılarımı kusur aramak için özellikle okuyorsunuz. Bence gazeteyi çok ama çok dikkatli okuyun. Birinci sayfa haberleri dahil olmak üzere. Amacınız beni kırmak ise başarılı olamazsınız. Çünkü kendine çok güvenen biriyim ne yazık ki. Bu güne değin Türk basınında üst düzeyde çok insan yetiştirdim, gururluyum. Her şeye rağmen sevgiyle kalın, kendinize çok iyi bakın. Yine de teşekkürler!
Şenay Dudek
Sayın Düdek,
Sizin yazılarınızla canı yanabilecek kişiler arasında benim yakınlarımdan kimse yer almaz, zira ben çok daha mütevazi çevrelerde rahat eden biriyim. Ayrıca yazılarınızın içeriğinde ve parmak bastığınız konularda bu güne dek eleştirdiğim hiç bir husus yok. Tam tersine bir çoğuna ben de imzamı atarım.
Sizinle her hangi bir tanışıklığım ya da sizi kırmayı amaçlayacak bir sebebim de yok. Bu yüzden samimiyetime inanabilirsiniz. Ama eleştiriye açık olduğunuzu kendi vicdanınızda sorgulayın bence, zira yazdıklarınız aksini gösteriyor.
Ben bir çok kişiye benzer mektuplar yazdım. Bunu kimseye kişisel garezimden ya da egomu tatmin için değil, bilinçli ve sorumlu bir vatandaş ve tüketici olmanın yaşamın her alanında sesini yükseltebilmekten geçtiğini bildiğimden yaptım.
Ben ne sizin bir magazin gazetecisi olarak kariyerinizin parlaklığını sorguladım, ne de yazılarınızda kusur bulmaktan haz duydum. Tam tersine üzüldüm. Yazılarınızdaki basit hataları gazeteyi benim gibi dikkatli okuyan başkaları da görüyordur mutlaka ve bu da sizin kariyerinizle bağdaşmayan bir tablo çiziyor. Üstelik bu düzeltilmesi zor olmayan bir durum. Ben sadece bunu vurgulamak istedim. Tevazuyla dengelenmemiş bir özgüven bazen böyle sonuçlar doğurabilir zannımca.
Sanırım sizi kırdım, amacım bu olmasa da. Lütfen özürlerimi kabul edin. Kariyerinizin daha da parlayarak devam etmesini içtenlikle dilerim.
En Samimi Saygılarımla
11 Şubat 2010 Perşembe
Sayın Emirates
(Konuk yazar Tony)
To Those Concerned at Emirates:
As a family of people working and living in the business world, we appreciate how in the rush of a day someone might be drawn to the idea of providing feedback to those who may need it most, and then not be able to find the time to do so. However, the extremely radical depth of our disappointment in Emirates has moved us to make the time to write this letter of complaint today.
Please find attached our travel details for your reference.
On the first evening of our travel, we were delayed ten minutes by the snow on a flight from Izmir. As we were actually on time for our first Emirates flight, you will see that we were consequently checked in and off the first flight two times. Please do consult your own check-in records. Upon our arrival to the check-in desk, we were greeting by the long disgruntled faces of your workers who greeted us with "Oufff, bu Danza-lar." Since all of the members of our family are bi-lingual, especially the TWO CHILDREN who witnessed this VERY inappropriate greeting, we all started the trip feeling extremely UNWELCOMED. Why "Oufff, bu Danza-lar." We had called in advance to check on the status of the flight: on-time, delayed, etc. Your check-in staff knew that we were coming. It was a horrid welcome, to say the very least. Then we were duly informed that the plane was leaving and would not wait for us, even though we still had twenty minutes to make it through passport control and security.
That we were known prior to our arrival at the check-in desk in Istanbul was a mere fluke. Let me explain. While waiting in the airport in Izmir, we did some research for contact numbers on the internet, and came up with 9 telephone numbers for Emirates. Seven were numbers here in Turkey and two were numbers in Dubai. We called the Istanbul numbers several times and finally we called Dubai, where after a mine-field of several answering machines, we were finally connected with a live representative. The kind, though un-aware, gentleman in Dubai provided us with several additional numbers for Istanbul; one of which was a baggage transfer depot. The baggage transfer depot was the only live individual line we were able to connect with in this country. As we rang him three times in complete desperation, he was then kind enough to take our number and have a different fellow return our call from an un-identifiable line. The person called from the hidden number and we were never able to reach them again. We can describe the helpfulness of your phone lines in a word - useless.
THEN, when we finally did travel two evenings later (for proper connecting flights through to Seychelles rather than spending a night in Dubai) the same flight saw us sitting in the plane for three hours before we took off. Emirates could not wait for passengers who were ON TIME but you could sit us in the plane for three hours with no explanation? No drinks, snacks, or meals were offered during the long wait for the flight to being. The plane was VERY over heated and several elderly passengers started having anxiety attacks of claustrophobia, which in turned disrupted the rest of the more youthful travelers. We had to ask several times for entertainment packages for the children, who by the end of the three hours were no longer interested in going on holiday. Your staff members seemed more like disgruntled workers on strike as their every interaction with passengers, who are incidentally also customers, were bothersome inconveniences.
Our flight was late landing in Dubai. We were rushed through to our next flight where both passport controls were completely omitted and security checks scarcely completed. Exhausted passengers, from the 7 hours, were yelled at and herded along like cows. A highly unpleasant experience. You could not pay me to endure such discomfort and chaos!!!!! But somehow we have mistakenly PAID YOU!!!!... a mistake we will not soon make again!
At this point, we should have simply continued our travel with another carrier, but no.... we had to return home.
Upon embarking the flight to return home, one of the children noticed that his television was not working. We were informed that the system often does not work in its completeness until the electrical system is re-set prior to take off. While these fanciful lies abated us for about a half an hour, upon our second inquiry we were informed that "computers are sometimes difficult,... you know." Upon our third inquiry and the discovery that a second of our four entertainment centers was non-functioning, the unhappy employee of your company YELLED at us and commanded that we "JUST BE PATIENT." After a juice and a pack of terrible crackers, no entertainment packages for the children "because there are none left on this plane" we were still staring at the heads of the passengers in front of us. We informed the violent host, yes it was a man, that we would be lodging a formal complaint both about the non-functioning technology and his poor attitude, his reply was "Well, I'LL BRING YOU THE COMPLAINT FORM!" Again the man yelled, drawing the attention of nearby passengers who were obviously too intimidated by his violence to ask for support with another non-functioning units.
By this point in our journey, we were all seriously questioning how we could have ever chosen Emirates in the first place. Then we thought back to your ingenious advertising schemes..... which always shows lovely warm and welcoming hostesses in the round red hats, engaged in some act of service or connecting with passengers in some meaningful way to make their journey a pleasant experience. We only saw the hats.... and the hats only stayed on for about three minutes into the flight. Otherwise, none of your promises were fulfilled.
Let's move on then, to food on the final flight. Menus were handed out and then a child meal presented to our youngest son. If you have a child meal, then do not also present the menu. We asked to replace the child meal with a regular menu, as we had all read the menu. When we presented our request, it was a clear and direct "THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE! THE MENUS WERE COUNTED AND WE DON'T HAVE ANY EXTRA." You may count your meals, but since people are given a choice, then there must be some flexibility, no? We ended up solving our own food problems, but it was obvious that we had been blackballed by your staff for not peacefully submitting to the tortured of your poorly behaved hosts and hostesses, and a four hour flight with no food or technology for entertainment. Your in cabin luggage allowance is reduced and that prevents people who are travelling with children from being the necessary books, toys, and electronics necessary for occupying then for 10 hour trips. When your promises of entertainment bags/packages, movies and t.v. fall through, the result is a very high level of inconvenience and discomfort for both the children and adults involved. We could easily buy two tickets and travel as adults. Trusting that you will support families with children sees us purchase four tickets instead of two. And congratulations, you have VERY successfully brought an entire family to the point where we certainly wish that we had purchased NONE AT ALL!
We would highly recommend that you revisit your requirements and standards for hiring staff members. We would also recommend that you make sure that you can keep your promises regarding all basic flight services before you make hundreds and hundreds of passengers tolerate those indignant and sarcastic staff members you currently do have in your employ. If indeed you are interested in growing your business in the fields of customer relations or satisfaction, we have several other recommendations and would be willing to offer trainings to your staff members regarding such topics and high priority issues.
Tony Danza and Family
9 Şubat 2010 Salı
Sayın TRT
M. Gandhi
7 Şubat 2010 Pazar
Sayın Emirates ve Dubai Havaalanı Yetkilileri
I am very surprised that the positive behaviours of your cabin crew
which effected me previously, has changed since my last trip with
Emirates 4 months ago to Mauritius.
At the time, I had such a pleasant flight and mentioned about it in my
travel blog.
This time all the crew seemed unhappy about their jobs, hardly smiling.
One example:
In my fligt EK374 on 23rd of Jan to BKK, I asked 4 times for a kids
toy bag which my son was demanding. Each time the steward said he's
bringing it immediately.
On the 4th time I said "How many times should i ask for a lousy bag?"
and couldn't get it again, which is a problem you know, if you have
It may be due to the crisis in Dubai, or what else you know, but
things are getting no better for your crew motivation. (Only the crew
in A380 were smiling)
The food was good, but the drinks were given with 45 to 60 min delay
after the food.
Now, I dont like to eat without a drink, and i dont like to eat a cold dinner.
What do you recommend me in this case?
Waiting an hour, smelling the food in front of me was a torture
that i did not deserve.
One another complaint about the Dubai airport security:
When we were entering the duty free zone on the morning of 2nd Feb
the security took our two bottles of 5cl whiskies,
I said 5 cl is OK if put in a closed bag but they did not response,
nor give it back.
Let's say the rule about liquids are more strict in Dubai.
But they did not take the half liter water bottles which was clearly
seen outside of our bag!
I really doubt that they took it for their own drinking habits.
I'm not sure if you have a relation with the airport management, but
Emirates means to me I'll spend my time in Dubai airport and that
effects my airline decision..
Dear Mr Gandhi,
Thank you for taking the time and trouble to complete a Passenger Feedback Form on board flight EK124, from Istanbul to Dubai on 23 January 2010, and for your recent e-mail message dated 7 February, concerning your connecting flight, EK374 to Bangkok via Dubai.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience you and your family experienced when flight EK124 was delayed in Istanbul. Although every effort is made to achieve on-time departures, which is an integral part of our product, there are occasions when flights are delayed due to circumstances beyond our control. Flights are only operated when our Engineers tell us that it is safe to do so. Emirates will never compromise on the safety of our passengers.
I do agree that our passengers are inconvenienced when flights are delayed. Whilst we make every effort to transport passengers according to planned schedules, sometimes operational necessities/technical difficulties cause changes to these schedules. When this happens, we do our utmost to minimise passenger inconvenience. Our records show that flight EK124 on 23 January was delayed for 1 hour and 57 minutes due to adverse weather conditions (De-icing) and a departure delay at a previous station.
I am also sorry to learn of your dissatisfaction with certain aspects of our cabin crew service whilst travelling on the above flights. Emirates is proud of the high standard of in-flight service and the facilities that are provided to passengers and it is, therefore, most disheartening to learn of your disappointment on this occasion.
Please allow me to assure you that your experience onboard your Emirates flights was not indicative of the level of service and professionalism that we strive hard to offer our passengers.
A copy of your letter has been sent to our Divisional Senior Vice-President Service Delivery for his review, so that the cabin crew on this flight are made aware of your concerns. I know they will be disappointed as I am to learn that they have left you with a negative impression.
Furthermore, I am also sorry that two bottles of Whiskey were confiscated by the airport security in Dubai. This is in accordance with the policies and regulations of Dubai Airport due to the (LAGS) restrictions of Liquids and Gels in hand baggage over the quantity of 100ml. Details of the LAG information may be reviewed on:
Nevertheless, I note your comments regarding the lapse in security by the airport staff, and assure you that I have conveyed your comments to our Airport Services Manager in Dubai for his review and necessary action.
Mr Bilgin, your feedback is invaluable to us. It enables us to stand back and look at the issues that you have raised to see if we can improve and enhance our products and services.
Although we have not lived up to your expectations on this occasion, I am sorry these incidents marred an otherwise pleasant flight and hope that on your next trip you and your family will be able to enjoy the Emirates in-flight service without disruption.
We do hope this unfortunate experience will not deter you from travelling with us and that we may have the pleasure of welcoming you and your family onboard our flights again.
Thank you for allowing me to address your concerns.
Yours sincerely,
Sahar Gamal
5 Ocak 2010 Salı
Sayın Aras Kargo
Sn. Ganhdhi,
Öncelikle şirketimize göstermiş olduğunuz ilgiden dolayı teşekkür ederiz.
İletmiş olduğunuz e-maile istinaden, ilgili birimlerimize bilgi verildiğini ve önerinizin firmamız tarafından değerlendirileceğini bilmenizi isteriz.
Değerli fikir ve görüşlerinizi bizlerle paylaşmanızı bekler, iyi günler dileriz.
Müşteri İlişkileri Müdürlüğü
444 25 52
Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetmeni