25 Şubat 2016 Perşembe

Dear Couchsurfing

Hi thanks for great job you do.
I have an issue about the gender selection:
There is only m/f/ and other.
Other can refer to  gays, or a community of people sharing the house, or a couple, or a family...
As a family we try to search the families in the other group, but families may be under m or f section also.
So I suggest that if there are more detailed subgroups under other; it would be easy to search and find what you are looking for as families, families with children, couples, same sex couples, gays etc.


8 Şubat 2016 Pazartesi


Sayın Yetkili
Halen ürettiğiniz Milllenium modelini kullanıyoruz.
Bu yatağın ayak ucuna oturularak her gün 20 dk mekik çekilse yatak deforme olur mu?
Eşim olacağını iddia ediyor.